Contributor guide#

The PLINDER project is a community effort, launched by the University of Basel, SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, VantAI, NVIDIA, MIT CSAIL, and will be regularly updated. We highly welcome contributions!

This guide gives an introduction about how to maintain and improve plinder as developer

Code organization#

This code is split into 4 sub-packages

  • plinder.core: Provides core data structures for interacting with and loading the dataset. Parts of it are exposed as the public API.

  • Contains core code for generating the PLINDER dataset.

  • plinder.eval: Offers evaluation harness for the dataset that takes as an input predicted and ground truth structures in a pre-determined folder structure an returns a leaderboard-ready set of entries. Parts of it are user-faced via CLI scripts.

  • plinder.methods: Implements methods in the leaderboard that leverage PLINDER primitives for training and running.