# Release Code is contributed via pull requests on *GitHub*. A new `plinder` version is released on each pull request merge. In consequence each merge automatically induces a [Semantic Version](https://semver.org/lang/de/) bump. The version bumping semantics is controlled via the commit history since the previous release: - If `bumpversion skip` is present in the commit message, the version will not be bumped - If `bumpversion major` is present in the commit message, the major version will be bumped - If `bumpversion minor` is present in the commit message, the minor version will be bumped - If `bumpversion patch` is present in the commit message (or nothing is found), the patch version will be bumped :::{note} The CI workflow will use the **most recent** match in the commit history to make its decision. ::: Each new version release automatically triggers the following platforms: - A new *PyPI* release is created. - A new *Docker* image is pushed to the [registry](https://github.com/plinder-org/plinder/pkgs/container/plinder). - This documentation website is updated.